Step into a world of whimsy with LilliBeans’ enchanting handpainted Wee Beasties! These delightful creations will sprinkle a touch of magic and wonder into your life.

The highly collectable one-of-a-kind Wee Beasties range are hand-crafted wooden dolls. Standing at only 6cm high these individual ‘beasties’ explore and represent different themes. Previous collections have explored adventures, guardianship, beauty, power, etc.

Whether displayed on a shelf, arranged in a miniature scene, or carried on adventures in tiny pockets, these dolls add magic and whimsy to any setting.

New collections are released during the year – join the LilliBean Designs Community for all new releases.

See all the current ranges of Wee Beasties below or select a specific category to explore.

occasional beasties  |  guardian beasties  |  collectable beasties 

A V A I L A B L E . C O L L E C T I O N S


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