The 52 DAYS Project (February REVEAL)

THE 52 DAY PROJECT FEBRUARY REVEAL I haven't share much from the 52 Day Project recently - but I adore the responses I have been having from people about the project when I talk about it. I have some paintings left over from last year that I want to share with you, let me know what you think of the project!   STRENGTH STRENGTH /strɛŋθ,strɛŋkθ/ noun 1. the quality or state of being physically strong. … Continue reading The 52 DAYS Project (February REVEAL)

My New Studio Companion

Two weeks ago our little family was changed forever. On a cold and rainy Saturday Mac popped over to the neighbouring town and came home with Mac’s and my best-kept secret! Previous to this Saturday afternoon, the terrible trio has for months been asking, pleading and slyly pointing out that we need a pet. Bean told me she would pick up the poo. Bug told me she would love it. Beastie told me she would … Continue reading My New Studio Companion


TODAY is a very exciting day in the LilliBean Designs Studio... Firstly I hanging my very first solo exhibition at the Cowra Japanese Gardens which I have been planning for almost two years now! I am super excited and my assistant (my mum) and I are heading up early to set everything up! Secondly today is a very special launch day. For years I have been planning, thinking and playing with ideas of how I … Continue reading DISCOVERING YOUR CREATIVE SQUEAK