· PAINT LAPSE VIDEO: LIMITLESS · This was my very first journal page for 2023 and I decided to paint something to celebrate the word I chose for the year. (I will be sharing about why I chose that word next week!) I have been loving making these little paint lapse videos that I can share on my socials - especially on my youtube channel. I recently shared the Rogue Angels Journey on my channel so it is … Continue reading PAINT-LAPSE VIDEO: LIMITLESS
Tag: invite whimsy into life
THIS POST WAS ORIGINALLY SENT TO THE LILLIBEAN DESIGNS COMMUNITY. IF YOU'D LIKE TO BECOME A MEMBER SIGN UP HERE. ·R O U N D . H E R E· Last year I enrolled in a drawing class. When I told a lovely customer about this he laughed and asked why - you can already draw. But it was through my local TAFE and I thought it was only a day or two, I love … Continue reading ROUND HERE
· N E W . A R T · I finally finished the angel that was on my easel for close to six months. And I adore how she has turned out. I called her the ROGUE ANGEL because half way through the painting she went rogue and she decided she needed some gold leaf, a beautiful collaged wing, and pink not black hair. At one point I thought that she was going to end … Continue reading ROGUE ANGEL
YESTERDAY I STOOD IN MAGIC - A NOTE FROM MY JOURNAL Yesterday when I was on my soul walk, I stood in magic. And no it wasn’t the dog poo that litters the path I walk, I stood amongst hundreds of dragonflies! If you have been reading my newsletter for a while you know that dragonflies are one of my spirit animals. (And if you have only just joined me here you now know they … Continue reading YESTERDAY I STOOD IN MAGIC
NEW IN STORE [august 2022 update]
It has been a while since I have done a shop update - and considering it has taken me three very long days to add all the new amazing goodies to the shop I am making a vow to not leave it as long in between updates! But I am so excited to share with you the new collections added to the shop! NEW MAGNETS I have been having fun just before each market making … Continue reading NEW IN STORE [august 2022 update]
Studio Update [June 2022]
Hi Loves, So apparently there is an arctic blast hitting southeast Australia and I can tell you that from my little studio in central west NSW we are definitely having an arctic blast and feeling the cold to our bones. Looking out my window this morning and seeing the sky thick with heavy black clouds I said to the terrible trio that if we lived just a little higher (as in elevation) we would have … Continue reading Studio Update [June 2022]
The annual LilliBean Designs studio clear out: THE END OF COLLECTION SALE is almost here for 2022. For five years I have been having this sale in February for my LilliBean peeps. And the reason I have it every year is two fold. I don't have sales at any other time of the year, so I want to make the one sale I do have count and reward my loyal fans by offering them massively … Continue reading 2022 END OF COLLECTION SALE
I AM ADDICTED TO MY DREAMS Vivid dreams. I have them all the time. Full colour, full drama, full immersion into a world that is sometimes a lot more interesting than my own. Sometimes I don't want to wake up. Sometimes I just want to fall back into the colourful world I have dreamed that night. I am addicted to my dreams. The fun ones, the sad ones, the ones where I am constantly trying … Continue reading I AM ADDICTED TO MY DREAMS
I have a little notebook that lives in my car (well it lives in my car when I am not in lock down!) and when I have to pick the terrible trio up from school or dance or wait for covid tests and doctors appointments, I'll sketch little drawings. Part of this is boredom - I could spend the time scrolling through socials (and sometimes I do) but I like these five minute sketches made … Continue reading OPEN HEARTED
Today I am share the third of 5 paintings created on wooden disks. Last year I bought five large round wooden disks from our local hardware shop. At the time I didn't really have a plan, but I was also slightly enamoured with wreaths, and starting to follow the moon phases. Earlier this year I found these disks hiding behind some canvases and decided it was time to create something with them. I have already … Continue reading WANDERING STAR