DISCOVER your Creative Squeak with me

Last month I wrote a post about Discovering YOUR Creative Squeak, and how you too could start the journey to creative fun.  This month I didn't manage to write my usual once a week post - school holidays seemed to be twice as busy, as if to make up for the Easter Holidays when we were in semi lock down! But since that last DYCS post, I have been thinking about 2020 and what an absolute shit show the first … Continue reading DISCOVER your Creative Squeak with me

Discover Your Creative Squeak 2020

Two years ago, on a chilly May evening, I met up with a group of wonderful women who wanted to invite creativity into their lives. We laughed, we played, we talked, we created, we smooshed paint and we discovered (and in my case rediscovered) our Creative Squeaks. During April and May when we were anxious and unsure and locked down and isolated I began to think about that time with those ladies, and how much … Continue reading Discover Your Creative Squeak 2020