Owning an original artwork is magical because it is not just about decoration, it’s about a soulful connection between the artist and the collector.
Each brushstroke and every colour choice speaks a language that goes beyond words – when you invite art into your space, you’re also inviting in the stories, emotions, and energy that resonates with your heart.
F E A T U R E D . C O L L E C T I O N
The ORACLES are a series of forty-four paintings, celebrating empowerment, self-love, personal growth and other guiding principles, through stylised mixed media portraits incorporating whimsy, spirituality and heartfelt encouragement.
The Oracles are messages of hope, faith, and joy, created to inspire introspection and a gentle reminder of your worth and potential.

M i x e d – m e d i a . o r i g i n a l s

After ditching her corporate career to explore the world on a mature age gap year (that ended up being nine years) she came back to Australia to raise her young family and decided to start living her own dreams and pursue her artistic ambitions.
Located in rural NSW, on Wiradjuri Country, LilliBean Designs encapsulates the art, designs and creations of self-taught artist Kirstin McCulloch and combines her love of story-telling and her need to create, into layered mixed-media 2D and 3D artworks, that feature stylised characters set in whimsical worlds.
Kirstin draws her inspiration from the ever-changing landscapes and seasonal colours surrounding her, her everyday musings, her insistent curiosity, and the beautiful (and sometimes hilarious) conversations she has with her family.
Although she loves to dabble in many styles and always has various projects on the go, she primarily paints mixed-media paintings that explore the themes of strength, vulnerability, femininity and whimsy through stylised portraits.
She hopes through her art, stories and experiences, to inspire others to discover the whimsy surroundig them, in their everyday