Happy Wednesday and welcome to the week two of Discovering your Creative Squeak!
This week we are going to talk a bit about our stories and what has been said, or happened in our lives to contribute to the tale.
What is your story? I believe that we are made up of a million and one different stories. Our stories have shaped us, made us who we are, have influenced what we believe and what we will become.
And what do I mean by the word story? When we are born we are a blank slate, but as we grow we obviously become less blank and the pages of our life are filled with stories. Stories like our family history, that time we had to stand up in class, how we fought with our siblings or parents, the first time we went on a date, or on holidays with our friends.
But then there are the stories we have told ourselves, as to why we behave or act a certain way (like that girl was mean to me, so now I don’t talk to her!) or why we believe we can’t do something (I don’t have a creative bone in my body because my pictures were laughed at!)
In this weeks video and workshop pdf I talk about one such story that I told myself about swimming and running. A simple story, but it was a story that I believed about myself from around the age of six til I was thirty-fiveish. A story that had I not thought about and changed I would still be living today.
And last week I included my creative story in the downloads, so you can read how I went from a creative little girl, to one who believed she couldn’t draw anything but stick figures from her imagination.
Stories like these aren’t set in stone. We can change them. We can live a different story.
But sometimes we aren’t even aware of the stories we tell ourselves. So this week we are going to find out what is the story you are telling.
week two: our story
To watch the video – click on the image and enter the password to watch.
REMEMBER you passwords are case sensitive. You week two password is DYSCstories
Or you can download the video to watch when ever you want: The link for the google drive download is here
To download the PDF’s click on the image above and follow the download instructions. (please let me know if you have any problems!)
Alternatively you can download them from my google drive: WEEK TWO PDF + MY STORY PDF
To join the Discovering your Creative Squeak facebook group – click here and join up.
As it is a closed group I will need to approve your submission but that shouldn’t take long!
I hope you enjoy this weeks workshop – I look forward to seeing your work progress and I will be in touch next week when we talk about WHY, WHY, WHY! (I sound like a really bad 1990’s boy band song! 😉 )
week one