week one: Beginnings and endings.
Welcome to the very first week of Discovering your Creative Squeak! I can’t wait to see how you discover your squeak and what ways you will encourage it to roar!
So lets jump in!!
I often tell people that I started painting when my kids were little because it gave me an amazing excuse to escape house ‘work’ when my babies were sleeping.
And while yes this is absolutely true, (anyone who knows me will testify hand over heart that there isn’t much I wouldn’t do to escape our housework!), there is a much deeper reason behind my creative drive
In conversations with customers, I am often be asked how I started or when do I find the time? I am asked how I became so creative? They tell me I must be talented. (Which by the way makes me feel ugh! I don’t believe I am talented I just believe I have worked at it.)
But the underlying all these questions is one question that I am rarely asked. It is as if they are too afraid to ask. That question is:
“How can I be creative too? “
But I am never asked this question. This question is far too difficult to voice because this question is often held in the very deepest parts of our hearts.
And what if my answer to that question was that you couldn’t be creative?
I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me “I don’t have a creative bone in my body” or I can only draw stick figures.
I am calling bullshit!
And I feel very strongly that there is a reason I discovered my creative squeak. Part of that was so that I can be an artist, and live the life I have always dreamt of, BUT I believe that a large part was so that I could then pass on my knowledge and share with you that you too can invite creativity into your everyday life.
So ask me! I dare you to voice that question out loud.
And I would reply to you –
“HELL YES YOU CAN! ABSOLUTELY! There are thousands of ways you can be creative. And if you will let me I would love to share with you some of the things that helped me explore my creativity and how I became creative everyday!
And all you have to do take leap and jump in the deep end of the pool with me.
{ I must apologise now because this week is jammed packed with information!}
week one: beginning and ending
There are two videos this week.
The ‘Introduction’ video is a quick intro to me, to the course and what we will be doing over the next 10 weeks (copy and paste your password for this video: DYCSintro and it is case sensitive)
The ‘BEGINNINGS’ video is about this weeks topic Beginnings and Endings. (copy and paste your password for this video: DYCSbeginnings again case sensitive)
To watch the video – click on the image and enter the password to watch.
REMEMBER you passwords are case sensitive and for VIDEO ONE it is DYCSintro + for VIDEO TWO it is DYCSbeginnings
Or you can download them to watch when ever you want: The introduction is here and week one Beginnings is here
To download the PDF’s click on the image above and follow the download instructions. (please let me know if you have any problems!)
Alternatively you can download them from my google drive: WEEK ONE PDF, MY STORY PDF and JOURNALING PDF
To join the Discovering your Creative Squeak facebook group – click here and join up.
As it is a closed group I will need to approve your submission but that shouldn’t take long!
I hope you enjoy this weeks workshop – I look forward to seeing your work progress and I will be in touch next week when we talk about YOUR STORY.