A little insight into who I am and how I went from a creative child with dreams of being an artist to an 18 year old studying social welfare, and her dreams shelved for over thirteen years.
Maybe it will resonate with your story, or it may spark some insight as to why you no longer feel creative!
Free download:
‘Guardian Angel’
With this angel looking over you, giving you words of support, love and healing nothing will hold you back!
Click on the image (or here) to download your guardian angel to your computer.
Print it off for your notice board or stick in your DYCS Notebook. Just don’t use the first few and last few pages of your notebook!
Let me know how your guardian angle is going to help you!
Free Download:
‘I am an Unstoppable Ninja’
Once you have unleashed your creative squeak you will be unstoppable!
Click on the image (or here) to download to your computer.
Print it off for your notice board or stick in your DYCS Notebook. Just don’t use the first few and last few pages of your notebook!
Tell me how you are going to be an unstoppable ninja!