Kirstin McCulloch

Located in rural NSW, on Wiradjuri Country, LilliBean Designs encapsulates the art, designs and creations of self-taught artist Kirstin McCulloch and combines her love of story-telling and her need to create, into layered mixed-media 2D and 3D artworks, that feature stylised characters set in whimsical worlds.
Kirstin draws her inspiration from the ever-changing landscapes and seasonal colours surrounding her, her everyday musings, her insistent curiosity, and the beautiful (and sometimes hilarious) conversations she has with her family.
She hopes that through her art, stories and experiences, to inspire others to rediscover their creativity

The Twelve Days of Christmas….

INVITE SOME WHIMSY INTO YOUR CHRISTMAS Christmas to me since I have become an adult and since I became a parent seems to be more about commercialism and how many presents we can fit under the tree, than about  fun or magic or even thoughtfulness. I have felt indifferent, hugely cynical and generally grinch like

The Twelve Days of Christmas…. Read More »

NEW FAN ART {harry potter}

If you are a LilliBean facebook or insta follower you will have seen my struggles to capture the Harry Potter gang in paint. In theory they should be fairly simple to do – Bean adores Harry Potter so I have read all the books and seen the movies several times but I think I have

NEW FAN ART {harry potter} Read More »


Today I have some new LilliBean Mini’s to share with you! If you are new to the LilliBean Studio, Mini’s are a limited collection of paintings that are small (and medium) in size and price. I believe that art should be accessible to everyone, from the kid saving their pocket money to the brand new


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