The 52 DAYS Project (June REVEAL)

THE 52 DAY PROJECT JUNE REVEAL It’s been quite a while since my last reveal – Covid-19, lock down, homeschooling, they really took a toll on my creative mojo. But now that restrictions are easing and the terrible trio are back in school full time I am moving into a creative high period!  Which means I have a few paintings from the 52 DAYS project to reveal today! VULNERABLE VULNERABLE [ vuhl-ner-uh-buhl ] adjective 1. capable … Continue reading The 52 DAYS Project (June REVEAL)

The 52 DAYS Project (February REVEAL)

THE 52 DAY PROJECT FEBRUARY REVEAL I haven’t share much from the 52 Day Project recently – but I adore the responses I have been having from people about the project when I talk about it. I have some paintings left over from last year that I want to share with you, let me know what you think of the project!   STRENGTH STRENGTH /strɛŋθ,strɛŋkθ/ noun 1. the quality or state of being physically strong. … Continue reading The 52 DAYS Project (February REVEAL)

52 DAYS PROJECT (october reveal)

THE 52 DAY PROJECT OCTOBER REVEAL I have had such a wonderful response to the first 52 DAY Project reveal last month! It has been amazing to hear people response to the paintings, and the meanings behind them. And I can’t wait to hear what you think of this months reveals! This month I want to reveal the pages of FRAGILE, COURAGE and IMPOSTOR  FRAGILE      FRAGILE [frædʒ.əl] adjective 1. easily broken or damaged. … Continue reading 52 DAYS PROJECT (october reveal)

52 DAYS PROJECT [a September reveal]

THE 52 DAYS PROJECT I am so excited to share with you some of the pages from my 52 DAYS Project – some of these you may have seen at markets I have been at as they are starting to appear in my WHIMSY SOUL print collections. And I have had such an amazing response to when people ask me about the project. It is interesting to hear how the project resonates with so many … Continue reading 52 DAYS PROJECT [a September reveal]

THE 52 DAYS PROJECT – connection, creation and comfort

THE 52 DAYS PROJECT At the end of last year I was tapped out. On every level – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually had totally and utterly exhausted myself. The well as they say was not only dry but arid. I joked with Mac a couple of times that come December 26th I would just collapse in a heap and not move for a month or two. I didn’t realise at the time how true … Continue reading THE 52 DAYS PROJECT – connection, creation and comfort


ASCENDANT If you read my post last month title ‘JUST BE’ you can tell that there was a lot of shit swirling around in both my life and in my head at the time of that painting. And because of the clarity I found after painting JUST BE, I made a real commitment to include a lot more painting and art journalling into my everyday life. And to take pleasure from it again, not paint … Continue reading Ascendant