I just love adding whimsical things to my home, and so I also tend to make whimsical things for my community.
Last year, I was in the middle of painting hundreds of wee beasties for the Christmas markets – I had what felt like thousands of shepherds, elves, kings and santas to make, but I needed a break.
I also knew that I didn’t have time to loose myself in a canvas, so a new painting was off the table.
I have had these wooden moons kicking around the studio for a while now, so when I found these moons, I was inspired to combine my MOONSCAPE series with these moons, and thus began the mini-moonscape collection.
And of course I had to add some crystals, stars and a little glow in the dark surprise!
Most of all I love how I can hang them anywhere – in a notice board, on the fridge with a magnet, as part of a wall display.
Mine hangs with a piece of blue tack in the studio until I decide where I want to hang it permanently!

Where would you hang yours?