Little did I know that when I sat down to create June’s art date and veered off script from my planned project of feathers to make affirmations, which then turned into Soul Whisper Cards, how they would change how I work in the studio.

And yes, it has only been a month since I created the Soul Whisper Art Date and released it, but sometimes, especially when I surrender to the creative muse, something transformative comes through.

And when it does, the painting or the project resonates deeply with not only me but also the LilliBean community.

Once I finished recording the art date, I knew with a bone-deep knowing, that this art date would be important to me. 

BUT I didn’t realise how much it would change the trajectory of my month.

A couple of times a week, I have a new ritual when I arrive in the studio for the day. I love that it is not on a strict timetable, (which is very unlike me), it is just a calling I have when I start my day to create a new soul whisper.

So I light my candle, play something meditative through my headphones, and pull out a card to work on.

The first thing I do when I have pulled my card is delve into my tin of words – pulling out a handful, and selecting ones that speak to me. Sometimes they will reflect the oracle card I pulled that morning, but they may also reflect something that happened during the morning school chaos, something I thought about on my walk, or a song lyric stuck in my head.

Mostly though, I surrender to the process, let the whispers rise up inside and let my higher self guide me.

And I think because I have surrendered to the process, I have created some big powerful cards that have had me searching deep into my shadows.

Some of my favourites have been: 

“I’m working through the dark night”

“She looked back through the gathering night and she pondered Gratitude”

“Transformation and growth means looking within” 

“Listen closely sacred life simmers deep”

“She curled into contemplation”

Once I finish my Soul Whisper card, I place it on my shelf in the studio so I can see it until I create my new one, and dive into the day.

And because when I find a new thing that has rocked my world, I of course want to share it with everyone – which also means I have been thinking of how to do this in other ways apart from my art date

And I have two ideas on how I am going to do this:

The first is a 2(ish) hour workshop here in Cowra at the end of July teaching you in person how to make your own soul cards. (click here for details)

And the second thought I had was to make fully stocked kits that you can purchase to create your own cards. (But this idea needs some more fleshing out so join my community email to keep informed!)

From my whimsy world to yours.