ᐧ R O U N D . H E R E ᐧ

Two months ago in the middle of the night, I found myself in the middle of the backyard, crying, and unable to walk.

You may have seen in my stories that about two months ago, I badly sprained my ankle. (To be honest, in hindsight, I probably broke it, but at the time I just assumed it was a sprain.)

It was stupid, and I was so angry with myself, but if I didn’t have a sprained ankle about once a year, I wouldn’t be me.

That night Mac was away for training and the Terrible trio were well and truly in bed, asleep, which is where I was heading when I heard a massive crash – it sounded like a car hitting a house, but I knew it was my neighbour’s half-dead gum tree finally giving up one of its limbs – you only had to see it to know it was only a matter of time before it happened!

Although I knew what had happened, I decided to go outside and make sure Baxter was okay, he was barking and upset and to check that our fences were not affected.

And because I have a habit of spraining my ankle I thought I would take precautions:

✔️Shoes on
✔️Outside lights
✔️ Moving slowly and cautiously like my Nana

The fences were fine, the noise had come from a smallish branch landing on another neighbour’s Taj Mahal of a chicken coop. (Don’t worry no chickens were harmed during this event, apparently, they had moved to the great chicken coop in the sky over during the summer!😳😳)

With Baxter calming down, I slowly and cautiously made my way to the back door, when suddenly, with no recollection of how I ended up there, I was on my hands and knees, my torch flung halfway across the yard, and a searing pain in my ankle.

In shock with tears streaming down my face, struggling to breathe through the pain, this was of course when Baxter wanted to play tag and started dancing around me begging me to play.

Long story short… well shorter… I am still on the mend. (And I mean, yes, perhaps going to Pink three days later was not my best idea, and may have, possibly, kind of, contributed to a slower recovery? But hello – Pink!! )

Having this accident has been so frustrating – no morning walks, no yoga on the balcony, Handmade was super hard, even grocery shopping has been more of a chore than usual.

But thinking back about the time it happened, I wonder if it wasn’t the universe telling me that if I was going to ignore the signs of exhaustion and burn the candle at both ends for weeks on end, it was going to force me to rest.

So I have been trying to remember to it easy, I’m trying to be gentle with my frustrations and limitations, and not overdo it and make it worse

But I have also been reflecting and evaluating where I am right now, and what I could have done differently in the lead-up to my accident.

And maybe my sprained (ok, probably broken) ankle has made it possible to do this. However, don’t ask me to thank the universe just yet!

From my slightly damaged whimsy world to yours,

Kirst 💕

P.S. Bug recently fractured her arm at dance and told me that for the three days before her accident, she pulled oracle cards that told her to slow down, to rest, to breathe. Irony or Synchronicity? She’s not ready to thank the universe either!