Hello 2024

It’s been a minute! Despite my best intentions to touch base and do a little work during the summer, I decided to instead enjoy the holidays with my kids. And although I am a little behind work-wise, I don’t regret it. (#sorrynotsorry)

The terrible trio are now 15, 13 and 11. When I first began LilliBean Designs, the kids were just babies toddling around the studio, but as each summer rolls around I become very aware that we don’t have very much time left before they leave to chase their dreams.

You can see some of what we were up to over on the LilliBean socials, although to be honest I also took a break from them over the summer as well!

Monday was my first official day back in the studio – I was like a pig in mud or an artist with paint on her hands for the first time in close to two months, and I began by recording a new Art Date video about Releasing 2023 and Inviting in 2024.

 Check it out here: RELEASING AND INVITING art date.

In the video, I also talk about what’s happening in the studio this year, some of the exciting plans I have for 2024.

Stay tuned because all will be revealed in my next email!

Today I just wanted to quickly say hello, I’ve missed you, and I hope the start to your year has been a great one!

From my whimsy world to yours.


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