· R O U N D . H E R E ·


A few weeks ago, I stumbled out of bed at some indecent hour of the morning, woke up the two big girls and drove to Bathurst to catch the ‘fast’ train to Sydney. 

The Mind, Body, Spirit festival was on, and, as I signed up to be a part of the festival in October and November, and I had never been to one before, for my peace of mind and anxiety levels we decided to check the festival out in person. 

We had such a great day – it was totally worth the long trip. As you would imagine, there were tarot readers, mediums and psychics, crystals in all shapes and forms, cooking demonstrations, jewellery and clothing.

 I couldn’t resist buying a beautiful turquoise ring and a gorgeous smelling ‘I am Blessed’ spray; the girls added to their crystal collections with necklaces and earrings.

Recently, I listened to a podcast where the host talked about visiting a sound bath somewhere in California. She raved about how relaxing it was, how rested she felt and how it focused her mind. And I decided that it sounded like something I would love to do. 

So when we passed a booth at the festival that offered sound healing sessions, and the next session was in two minutes, the synchronicity was too delicious to ignore.

We walked into a small room lined with yoga mats. We lay down, making ourselves comfortable by taking off our shoes. I wrapped myself in my jacket and waited for the session to start.

As I lay there, I remembered that I am terrible at meditation. I struggle to sit through a five-minute meditation, often turning it off halfway through to scribble down painting ideas or random thoughts that feel profound at the time. And I thought the sound bath would be similar to meditation, so I vowed not to be distracted by the usual random thoughts or scribble down ideas for a painting during this session. 

So as I closed my eyes, I concentrated on letting go of the thousand and one thoughts that popped up as soon as my eyes closed. And of course, I had an idea for a painting during the session, but I resisted opening my eyes to scribble down a drawing and hoped to remember it afterwards.

I concentrated on my breathing. 

Breathing in for four counts….holding for four…..breathing out for four counts…..holding for four counts. 

I was the picture of meditative bliss as the sounds of the singing bowls washed through me.

But I began to hear a gradual murmuring sound on my left side. And I became irritated. Was someone talking? 

The sound bath leader moved past me with an instrument that instantly transported me to Scotland and the waves on the rocky shore of North Bay, so I breathed in and out again, finding my happy space.

I heard the murmuring again, so I snuck a peek looking for the culprit, ready to give them a side eye, but I didn’t see or hear anyone talking when I opened my eyes. Where was the murmuring coming from?

A cymbal rumbled across the room, sounding like an approaching thunderstorm on the hills of home. And crystal clear in my ear I hear someone say – ‘Hello’…. 

My eyes snap open – I glance around again; I can’t see anyone talking, so I close them again – all semblance of serenity flees my body and mind.  

Wait – what? What was that? Holy shit! Was that a hello? Did I imagine it? Was something or someone trying to say hello? Are they trying to tell me a message? Yes! Yes! Hello! I am ready to hear what you’re telling me! I strain to listen for an answer. 

Ding, Ding, Ding. 

The tinkling bell rang, signalling the end of the session. 

I lay there in a haze of excitement and wonder. Did that happen? What was that? I am totally signing up for the next session. 

I roll over and open my eyes – I’m bursting with excitement and can’t wait to tell the girls about it when I look over to the person next to me who is quietly talking – ON. HER. BLOODY. PHONE!

The hello I heard wasn’t a mystical or celestial event, but the person next to me who answered a damn phone call in the middle of a sound-healing session! 😂 😂

While I was slightly disappointed that my hello wasn’t a special message just for me (I mean, who answers their phone in a sound healing session!), I really enjoyed it and have found a couple of Spotify playlists to listen to whenever I feel like it here at home.

And maybe the sound healing did help focus my mind – not only did I write a two-page list of things I wanted to change and create for the festival on the train trip home, but I also remembered the painting I saw during the session, which I painted the following week. 

I called it EMBRACE, which I will share with you next week!

Disappointingly, I haven’t heard another ‘hello’ during my meditation practice…yet!

From my whimsy world to yours.