· N E W . A R T ·
I finally finished the angel that was on my easel for close to six months. And I adore how she has turned out.
I called her the ROGUE ANGEL because half way through the painting she went rogue and she decided she needed some gold leaf, a beautiful collaged wing, and pink not black hair.
At one point I thought that she was going to end up on the easel for another six months, but she decided to cooperate.
But I absolutely loved her when I finished the painting.
Rogue has already found her forever home, a member of the LilliBean Designs community saw her in the email and decided she needed to come home to her!
B E C O M E . A . C O M M U N I T Y . M E M B E R . H E R E
If you love Rogue as much as I do, you can order prints from the LilliBean shop in either an A3 or A4 size, which a designed to easily slip into a standard frame with out having to organise a framer!

Let me know if you love her as much as I do!!
From my whimsy world to yours.