Yesterday when I was on my soul walk, I stood in magic. And no it wasn’t the dog poo that litters the path I walk, I stood amongst hundreds of dragonflies!

If you have been reading my newsletter for a while you know that dragonflies are one of my spirit animals. (And if you have only just joined me here you now know they are one of my spirit animals 😉 )

And on my daily walks, I will occasionally see dragonflies but just one or two and usually when I need to see them.

Yesterday was amazing and I have never experienced it before. Hundreds of dragonflies flitting around me while I walked. I stood still and let them zig and zag around me. I was able to get a very dodgy video that I shared on my stories, but I wasn’t able to capture the brave ones that seemed to hover directly in front of my face, or the ones who zoomed along side of me while I walked.

As I stood there with my phone aloft chasing the dragonflies around a couple walked by. They were caught up in their world, not even saying morning as most people do on that path.

And I wondered if they realised what was happening around them. Maybe they were just there to knock out 5000 steps, to tick off the daily exercise part of the day. Maybe they saw a dragonfly and thought nothing of it. Maybe they didn’t even see the dragonflies.

I have know for a while that my daily walks have been less about calories burnt, steps taken and exercise ticked off. My daily walks did start that way until about seven years ago I realised I needed to make a change.

And one day I may share that story and the reasons behind the change, but today I want to share about seeing the magic in the everyday.

My walks have become what I call a soul walk. And a soul walk is essentially twenty minutes, walking outside in the sun or the rain. It’s a reset from the mornings school chaos, a way to manage my anxiety and melancholy, to feel the wind in my hair and a chance to experience simple and beautiful magic on a daily basis.

It’s the eyrie of eagles on the water towers that I watched soar and float and hunt one spring.

It’s the thousands of butterflies flittering around me and Bean as we walked one morning and then standing still having them float around us.

It’s the change of seasons that bring the green, the yellow and then the brown.

Its the feathers that Kookaburra, Crow and Parrot leave me.

It’s the gum tree leaves that look like angel wings, the heart shaped rocks on the road, the echidna bumbling along the path with me and the brown snakes that cross my path and paralyse me.

My soul walks are the same path everyday, and everyday I find something new. Today I didn’t see any dragonflies, they have moved on. But today I did see a purple flowering shrub amongst the summer dead grasses, and Kookaburra left me a feather.

I don’t know what I will find tomorrow, but I know because I have experienced so many beautiful magical moments on my path there will be something new. Something I didn’t see today.

I would love to know if you have a similar practice. Do you go on soul walks, sit on the verandah and have your morning coffee or maybe you go to the park for lunch?

Maybe it’s time to add a simple moment where you can soak up some magic.

From my whimsy world to yours.