I accidentally took a long break from the studio last month! I had intended to come back mid January, when we postponed our summer holiday (partly because of covid and partly because of our animals) instead of spending a week on the beach, I spent a hot, dusty sweaty week sorting out our home.

SEVENTEEN bags of stuff was taken to the Salvos, a trailer load of rubbish and broken shit went to the tip, and the house for approximately three point five seconds felt like a tranquil sanctuary.

By the time mid January rolled around I didn’t feel particularly rested or the slightest bit creative. So instead of rushing into the studio I took some time off, barely checking in on socials, spending time with the terrible trio and enjoying a particularly mild summer.

This morning with the kids back at school, I was able to reclaim my mornings, and studio time. 

A walk, some art journalling, some social media posts and now this letter to you. A good day! The girls will be home soon full of news from their days, the trials and tribulations of school life. 

This year is a significant one for LilliBean.10 years ago I went from being a dabbler of arts to someone who sold their work and started up LilliBean Designs.

T E N . Y E A R S

Naturally this has inspired some reflection and some thoughts about the next ten years and what it is that LilliBean stood for and what it stands for in the future. 

And although that vision is still a little bit murky I hope you will stick around for the next chapter. 

For now I thought I would share one of ten words that are my guides for 2021. 

S O V E R E I G N T Y.

I thought for sure this years word would be nourish or even simplify. But this word has popped up all over the place lately – in my dreams, a podcast I was listening to and in a particularly inspiring book I was reading!

S O V E R E I G N T Y 

To me Sovereignty is me standing in my own power and authority. I have complete power over myself, and it is up to me (and only me) if I succeed or fail. Sovereignty is taking that power and trusting myself. It is taking control of the areas in my life where I am unhappy or not content and changing them. It is taking control of my creativity and trying to focus it rather than being reactive. It is taking holidays and having adventures and not just making it through the day. 

So sovereignty it is, even though as a dyslexic I find it almost impossible to spell right first go! 

Let me know if you have a word (or ten) for 2021! I would love to know what you are inspired to do this year.

T H E . S U M M E R . O F . S A L E S
Before the pandemic hit last year, I spent a month readying for market. Making new earrings, painting new magnets, restocking the entire Harry Potter Jewellery collection, making wee beasties for easter. So many new and exciting things that never saw a market.

Usually at this time of year I hold my annual END OF COLLECTIONS SALE. A massive sale of items that are maybe the last one or two of a collection, but because of 2020, this year I have decided instead of a one off weekend sale, I am having a whole summer of sales.

And this year these aren’t the end of collections, they ARE the collections!

New items will be in store almost daily, but I will also be showcasing the collections on sale on socials. You can purchase by visiting my shop here