DISCOVER your Creative Squeak with me

Last month I wrote a post about Discovering YOUR Creative Squeak, and how you too could start the journey to creative fun. 

This month I didn’t manage to write my usual once a week post – school holidays seemed to be twice as busy, as if to make up for the Easter Holidays when we were in semi lock down!

But since that last DYCS post, I have been thinking about 2020 and what an absolute shit show the first half has been. And just when you think we have turned a corner, the next drama comes along…

And because we are in a state of flux we are in I haven’t had any markets to prep for. No frantic last minute creations to make before the next big event, and I have been thinking about how much I have loved rediscovering my love of sketching in the evenings and playing, smooshing and trying new techniques. I haven’t really had to paint or make the ‘shoulds’, ‘musts’ and ‘have to’s’.

And because I have been enjoying this time so much I decided to revisit DYCS myself, and I wanted to ask you to join in with me!

I am beginning this Sunday (August 2nd) and I would love it if you joined me too.

It’s totally free and all you have to do is join the DYCSQUEAK group on facebook and download the PDF book from my website here



And finally the last thing you need to have is an old A5 (smallish) spiral bound notebook and a ball point pen.

I believe everyone in creative and I believe that we should be encouraging everyones creativity especially in moments of darkness, by sharing, supporting and helping as much as I can to help you invite creativity into your life. 

I hope you’ll join with me!



P.S You can also visit the Discovering your Creative Squeak page under ‘R E S O U R C E S’ in the menu. 

Please message me if you have any problems downloading the pdf or joining the DYCSQUEAK group!