Keep it Simple Sweetheart Project

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During Iso life became so simplified. Sure we had the added pressure of homeschooling and the worry and anxiety of the unknown but we didn’t have the seemingly endless running around that we were used to.

Life slowed down and I realised that even though a lot of this running around is our choice I liked the simplified feeling of the lockdown.

Once the terrible trio started back at school and life is sort of returning to normal, I did a LilliBean Stock take and I realised that I have a lot of stuff.

A lot of products that I would like to not do anymore, a lot of things bought to make that ‘special project’ that I never did. Lots of art supplies that I have never really explored and played with.

So began the KEEP IT SIMPLE SWEETHEART project. 

I’ve started by adding hugely discounted products to the Keep it Simple Sweetheart page on my shop (which are featured weekly on my facebook and instagram pages) but I am going to start using some of the things I have floating around my studio that I keep thinking that one day I will.

I guess it will be similar to the HALF DONE PROJECTS that I did last year, but these will be more studio related – fun creative projects that may or may not (depending on the project) be available for sale.

Depending on how the world continues its long trek back to normality keep an eye out every month or two for the KISS projects I have in mind. 

In the meantime you can pop over to the KISS shop page to see what is available now!


P.S. have you simplified your life since lockdown? Gone back to normal?