I was surprised recently when I read that not everyone has a little voice in their head that talks to them. I have been hearing mine for so long, that I just assumed that everyone had one too.

My little bitch (as I call her) pops up all over the place with her nasally mean girl accent like a bad actress playing a stereotype from an episode of 90210.

My little bitch likes to tell me how badly I am failing at life. You’re a terrible mum! You’re not an artist! You’re a shit wife! You can’t do that! You aren’t worthy! You are crap!

My little bitch can also be a small voice of encouragement. I’ve only realised that she has a positive side, but she will tell me I can do this. To pull up my big girl pants and go for it. 

I have always wanted to illustrate my little bitch – or my shadow selves. During this pandemic I have had a lot of moments when my shadows had a lot to say. And since my calendar was busted wide open, I decided now was the time.

Currently I have finished six ‘Shadow’ paintings, but I have sketches for more and considering how my little bitch likes to talk, I suspect there will be many more. And they are a little darker, but still whimsical. After all if you are going to bring whimsy into the everyday wouldn’t your shadows be whimsy too? 

So introducing the ‘Shadow Series’

Do you have a little bitch or similar? Or are you one of the lucky ones who don’t have an inner monologue? 

Sending big hugs!