New Mini Art

Last year I had several people ask me if I had made any magnets lately. Which I hadn’t but it made me think about how much I love to make art that is for everyday use. Art that can inspire you. Art that invites whimsy into everyday.

Like for example opening up your fridge for milk for your coffee. 

So after the fifth person asked me about making magnets, and after a huge studio clean out where I actually found magnets I decided to make some new ones. 

I also decided to add quotes which inspire me and the terrible trio. 

I was so excited to debut these at River and Wren earlier this month, but funny story – I accidentally glued the magnets on backwards… Who knew that some magnets only worked on one side… 

So the magnets never made their grand debut and instead (unless you grab one now) will be debuted at next weekends Canberra Handmade Market!  

You can click on the image to see more detail – there are lots of background details shining through some of these which I adore. That combined with the vibrant colours, whimsy bIg-eyed girls, strong meaningful quotes – I absolutely love them and would happily keep them all…. alas!!

However  I adore them so much that I will probably make a few for our fridge and I am also hoping to add a few more to my catalogue for Canberra Handmade. 

Let me know which one is your favourite. Which quote speaks to you? What quote would you love to see illustrated on a magnet??