Half-Done Projects [the challenge continues]


half-done adjective
1. unfinished or only partly completed.
"the job is now half-done"


At the end of last year the half-done projects we placed on the back burner. Projects like the Christmas Collection, the Harry Potter series and the 12 days of Christmas took over the studio.

And the last project that I tried to tick off my half-done project list was a total failure. And it was supposed to be the ‘easy’ project!

So in January when I had a moment to breath and think again I created my new HALF-DONE project list and top of the list was the feathers. 

These feathers were a pair of Lyre Bird feathers that my nephew collected especially for their Aunty Kirst at a petting zoo.

Since they gave them to me in 2015 they have been blue tacked to my studio wall. Some day I would do something with them.

Last year I tried to do something with them, I decided to frame them, but unfortunately every frame I bought to try didn’t work.

To big, to small – you would think that it would be easy because I even had the measurements, but my brain doesn’t compute measurements like normal peoples. (Remind me to tell you the story of the Unicorn xmas decorations!!)

Anyway, finally I gave up and asked Mac to measure it, and double check the frame size against the feather size. 

And finally I had a frame that fit almost perfectly! A little bit of backing cardboard a dob of hot glue and they are happily hanging in my studio again, with out the worry of them being damaged by the elements!

Next month I am tossing up between finishing another piece that I was going to do last year involving butchers paper, doing something with the collection of sticks I have on my balcony or putting our house rules onto something more durable than a post-it on the fridge!

You can see my previous Half-Done projects by clicking on the links below.