As the big day nears, we find ourselves inundated with end of year and Christmas activities. I sometimes wish we lived in the northern hemisphere so that all of our end of school assemblies and dance concerts were held in June which would relieve some of the pressure of this time of year.
So last year when we absolute couldn’t add any more into the schedule, one of the girls reminded me at 6pm that night that we hadn’t bought gifts for their teachers yet!
DAMN! I had totally forgotten and as the next day was the last day of school we had to act immediately. We raced down to the local supermarket (nearly the only thing left open!) and for once lady luck was with us!
They had a new shipment of little and more importantly beautiful indoor plants. Son now our gifts were sorted, but in our relief to find something, we forgot to buy Christmas cards for their teachers.
And the thought of trying to get my overly tired and cranky kids to be creative and inspired to draw something ‘christmassy’ on a card for their teachers was just too much.
I wracked my mind for something I had done Christmassy and I remembered this painting I did a couple of years ago.
And I thought how cute it would be as a little tag that the girls could write on the back of it and attach it to the present.
PHEW! Teachers gifts sorted!
So if you have been racing around with end of year and Christmas time commitments, and haven’t had a chance to buy tags or cards, and would like wish your friends, family, teachers or coworkers a Merry and Bright Christmas you can download the PDF file here and print them off at your leisure!

Tomorrow I want to share some handmade gift ideas for you to try (one year!!)
P.S The 12 days of Christmas is a collection of stories and traditions and fun things that we do in Casa da Mac in the lead up to Christmas. Pop back tomorrow for another post!!