On the second day of CHRISTMAS…..







Ok, well maybe not the most amazing, but it is my absolute favourite Christmas treat. We only make it at Christmas because I single handedly eat 95% of these and if I had them all the time I would have to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes…. on second thought I wouldn’t mind some new clothes! 😉 

CHRISTMAS RUM BALLS. Love them or hate them (I don’t think there is an in-between) these are a firm favourite in our house, and the very best thing is that the kids LOVE to make them. This is the best thing because I HATE making them. 

I hate making them so much that I would prefer to clean up the mess of Terrible Trio making them and any one who knows me knows I don’t like cleaning either!!

This was a few years ago but now they are old enough to actually make the recipes (including smashing up the biscuits) themselves which is even better because now I can just be the offical taste tester.

“Hmmmm girls I think there needs to be more rum!”



Every year I think I will have a photo of beautifully formed rum balls in a perfect pyramid but to be honest as soon as they are rolled we start devouring them!

There are many versions of this recipe but this is the one we use. I prefer Marie Biscuits however at this time of year you cannot always grab them so arrowroot would substitute. For my UK and American friends you could probably substitute a slightly sweet digestive or graham cracker?

Please feel free to email/ message me your biscuit choice if you have one! 

Let me know what your favourite Christmas time treat is! I would love to read about your favs!!

TOMORROW a tradition we have done since the Terrible Trio were very very small, and one that is on tomorrow night (which hopefully we will make it to!)


P.S The 12 days of Christmas is a collection of stories and traditions and fun things that we do in Casa da Mac in the lead up to Christmas. Pop back tomorrow for another post!!