The Twelve Days of Christmas….


Christmas to me since I have become an adult and since I became a parent seems to be more about commercialism and how many presents we can fit under the tree, than about  fun or magic or even thoughtfulness. I have felt indifferent, hugely cynical and generally grinch like about it for a while. 

And I must admit the first two or three years after Bean and Bug were born, we went all out. Huge Santa sacks filled to the brim with presents, no expense spared on the Christmas dinners, over indulgence in all areas. 

But at the end of the day I remember feeling a vague sense of disappointment.

Is that it? Is that all there is?

And I remember as a kid, the simple things I used to do in the lead up to Christmas that bought me such joy – things like cutting out pictures from the toy shop catalogue and writing letters to Santa, like making the Christmas pudding with my nan, like making the Christmas chocolates with mum (and then sneaking the rum balls out of the freezer to eat when no one was looking!) or the scraggly pine tree that Dad would cut down himself that never looked like the ones in the movies and never had a nice pointed top to put the star or angel on.

A couple of years ago I decided to make a change. To try and keep Christmas simple and magical and fun and thoughtful. To do the things that make us happy, to do the traditions that made me happy alive, and to throw out all the other ‘have to’s’, ‘should do’s’ and ‘must do’s’. Because Christmas shouldn’t be about obligation and keeping up with the neighbours, but about magic and whimsy and thoughtfulness. 

A while ago now, I wrote a series of blog posts called the 12 days of Christmas, which were things that we did to incorporate tradition, whimsy and fun into Christmas, while keeping it really simple. 

And I decided this year that I would like that to become a tradition to LilliBean Designs. The twelve days of Christmas – twelve days of fun, important traditions and a little bit of creativity and inspiration!

Mark the date – DECEMBER 12th in your Calendar and join me on a little whimsical Christmas adventure!

P.S. You can have this series sent directly to your inbox – pop over here to join in!

the twelve days of christmas