I am so excited to share with you some of the pages from my 52 DAYS Project – some of these you may have seen at markets I have been at as they are starting to appear in my WHIMSY SOUL print collections. And I have had such an amazing response to when people ask me about the project.
It is interesting to hear how the project resonates with so many people. If you are not sure what the hell I am talking about pop over here to read about the project and how it came to be…
Today I want to share with you three pages from the project and what they mean to me: TEND, FLOAT, CROWN ON.
tend [tend] verb (used with object) 1. to attend to by work or services, care, etc 2. to look after; watch over and care for; minister to or wait on with service. "tend to your own garden: savour the blossoms, trim the weeds" ~ Ron Kaufman
So often we are the last on our to-do lists. And I realised earlier this year, if I didn’t tend to myself, (or to my own metaphorical garden so to speak) then how would I possibly be able to look after the needs and well being of Mac and the terrible trio? This word reminds me to look after me. To indulge in things that bring me bliss. To take my self care practice seriously and schedule it often!
float [fləʊt]verb 1. to move or cause to move buoyantly, lightly, or more freely across a surface or through the air, water, etc; eg: drift fog floated across the road. "whispered dreams in the night sky, float along, drifting amongst the stars until they find their safe space to land and become real." ~kirstin mcculloch
crown/ (kraʊn) / noun 1. an ornamental headdress denoting sovereignty, usually made of gold embedded with precious stones 2. a wreath or garland for the head, awarded as a sign of victory, success, honour, etc put your crown on lovely.
When I put my metaphorical crown on I am trying to embody the qualities that I think a leader or a queen should have. Qualities like compassion, kindness, courage, intelligence, strength, vulnerability, honesty and love.
I would love to hear if these speak to you as they did to me. What words spark something inside your soul?
These paintings from the 52 DAYS project are now are available as print in my 52 days shop – pop over to see them in more detail here (or click on their images.) With each months reveal, new paintings will be added to the page so pop back often!

the 52 days project