HALF- DONE PROJECTS [the arrows]

half-done adjective
1. unfinished or only partly completed.
"the job is now half-done"


So last month I shared with you about the overwhelming amount of half-done projects I have in my life, and my determination to make 2019 the year of ticking off some of my half-done projects. This month I decided to tackle my arrow project.
The arrow project was an idea I had the summer of 2018 summer when I was repainting a wall in our bedroom. 

This is the wall you see from the bedroom door, which our bed is against. Apart from our unmade bed it is the first thing you see as you look in the room.

Originally it was a very blue grey which I liked but didn’t love, so I repainted it a very dark grey and added  wood panelling which goes half way up the wall. 

Above the wood panelling and our bed I wanted to add either a really big abstract painting or something that was a little fun or whimsical. 

And then I had the arrow epiphany!

We have this really cool arrow that we bought from a native American co-op in Taos,  New Mexico, that I have always wanted to display somewhere prominent in our home, but couldn’t decide where.  

I also have this huge collection of feathers that the terrible trio, my friends kids and I have all collected over the years.

So I had this vision of a collection of arrows  above our bed one of which was my arrow from Taos,  and then add the ones I would make from all the feathers I had collected….. Cue the hours of googling and Pinteresting to come!

I ended up buying five wooden archery arrows that I would then decorate. But once they arrived, they ended up shoved in a corner in the studio to which I would occasionally look at and say “I should do that” Cut to the half-done project initiative. 

I knew when I decided to go ahead with this these arrows were going to be first!

Originally my plan was to do  a combination of paint, real feathers and yarn, but I didn’t love how the paint went on the feathers and I really loved the combination of both the real feathers and the yarn, so I went with that.

Now that all five arrows are finished, I love how all  look together and I am debating as to whether to use them on the bed head or some where else….

I also need to think about how to actually affix them to my wall  – options which I am contemplating are those little cup hooks, plastic stick on hooks or some kind of rig made out of  fishing line. So although they haven’t made it to the wall just yet, I am done with this months HALF-DONE project! 

They were so much fun to make in the end and I have so many feathers left over that I am going to make some more later in the year, but this time I thought they might be something that my lovely readers and customers would like to have in their home? (if this is something you may want to purchase click here to be one of the first to hear about it!)The half-done project I have chosen for next month are these tiny terracotta pots I bought from Kmart three years ago for a super fun idea that I stumbled upon.