I always say to my class participants that there are three rules in art
- There are no rules in art
- There are no mistakes in art (just beautiful blunders)
- If at first you don’t succeed smoosh some paint and start again!!
SMOOSH is such a great word. SMOOSHING PAINT. It sounds like what you are actually doing. Smooshing, playing and creating .
The beauty of the smoosh is that it doesn’t have to look like anything, or become a final painting. You are just smooshin’ paint.
And you don’t even need a paintbrush – you can smoosh with your fingers (my preferred method) or a card or a sponge or a stick.
There are no rules to smooshing, and you can smoosh again and again and again until you love the result.
I wish I could apply the same principles to life. I wish I could smoosh over the things I don’t like. I wish it were that simple to move on and start again.
I’d love to smoosh paint over a hurtful comment that made me doubt myself and feel pain.
I’d love to smoosh paint over the feelings failure and of being not good enough because an event or a committee or a person says I am not enough.
I really want to smoosh over those times when I felt a storm brewing in me and feeling like I am going to implode
I’d really love to smoosh some paint over my neighbour and her judgment of my family and me 😉
So Instead of dwelling too long on the things I’d love to change I try to remember that smooshing some paint on the page and making some art makes me feel centered and restored. (And hand on heart there are many times I spend FAR too much time overthinking and dwelling on these things.)
I know not every one has an affinity with paint like I do. And I know that there are many of you who have told me (in one way or another) that you would love to smoosh paint over the crappy stuff you’ve been through.
I smoosh paint and try again – what about you?
P.S Try the smoosh! It feels so good.