So you have probably seen on my insta and facebook feeds the words Discovering your Creative Squeak.
I even have whole web pages dedicated to Discovering your Creative Squeak. I have talked about the workshops, the course content and the fun to be had, but I haven’t really talked about what ‘Creative Squeaks’ are!
To me a creative squeak is a little voice I hear inside my head. The voice is a little whisper, a tiny squeak and I heard my quite a few times during my Artistic Wasteland Years. ( I also have a little Bitch but that is another story for another day!)
The Artistic Wasteland period was me between the ages of 18 to 34 that I refused to pick up a pencil to draw, it was a time where I believed that I wasn’t at all creative, that I couldn’t paint, draw or sculpt. And forget the big dream of being an artist – no way now how!
And there would be times during the Artistic Wasteland Years, where I would be in an art gallery, a art/ craft market, in the stationary department of David Jones, or just watching BHG and seeing some DIY home decor segment, and I would hear these little squeaks.
Squeaks like “wouldn’t it be wonderful to make a painting like that!” or “wouldn’t it be cool if I could create that” and even “I would love to do that, but I just don’t have a creative bone in my body.”
And sometimes I would even go so far as to by a sketchbook, or invest in an art book, but it didn’t take long before those gathered dust on the coffee table.
The Squeaks became a roar when my eldest Bean was born. This beautiful squishy faced cherub that I adored, who could be anything she wanted, do anything she wanted. She was unlimited.
That was my AHA moment! I decided then and there that it wasn’t too late for me, that I could live unlimited too and that I can show her that it’s possible to live your biggest, boldest dreams. At that moment my Creative Squeak roared and I decided that I would be an artist.
But like the old Pantene add says – ‘It didn’t happen over night but it did happen”. It would take ages before I had the confidence to even utter the words I am an artist. It would take a long time before I even showed Mac my work. But I did and I am.
Discovering my Creative Squeak has set me free in ways I could never have imagined and my girls know for sure that they can do an be anything they want. Beastie even wants to be an artist too and work in the studio with mama. I feel that we would need a bigger space but that would is an amazing dream!
The stars seem to be aligning at the moment and my other dream of sharing my journey with others, sharing with them the ways that I started, and played, and discovered, and created is happening. I believe that everyone is creative and I believe that if you want it you can do it. And I can’t wait to see what everyone will create now and in the future.
I wonder if you’ve heard a little squeak? A little squeak that pops up every now and them saying how awesome it would be if? When does it pop up? When mine did with art and beautiful creations? Or is it when you see a beautiful meal on the table, a stunning garden or a perfectly styled bedroom?
Squeaks aren’t limited to the ‘art’ sphere they can pop up anywhere and anytime and if you listen to them they may just open up a whole new world!