When did this become such a chore?


This poor neglected blog! This used to be my favourite place to hang out – to share my art and to lament my artistic endeavours. What worked, what failed, where my head was at, what was going on in our lives.

And I think things changed  with the birth of the wee beastie (or number three girl).

It became less about a place to hang out, and became a place that was a chore. Things that I were struggling with were less about my artistic journey and more about my health issues, both physically and mentally. I would say I was totally stuck in my head.

And instead of externalising these through my art and my musings I let them fester inside. Instead of feeling excited to sit in front of a blank journal page I was terrified to let everything out on the page. 

Amid all of this, I had incredible artistic highs, fantastic adventures, LilliBean Designs is now in its third year as a ‘real’ business and real life kept on moving on. 

Currently I am in my fourth week of my new ‘Discovering your Creative Squeak’ workshops at Studio36a in Cowra.

And it is exciting to see these beautiful ladies, rediscover their love of creativity and playing and in writing these workshops I have travelled back to my beginnings and rediscovered my own love of playing, journalling and exploring. 

And I remember how much I loved to write. To muse about life and the correlation between my life and art. To share what worked and what failed spectacularly and to hear everyones stories as they shared their own journeys.

I have so much to share with you, so many paintings and so many adventures with Mac and the terrible trio. So many random thoughts and feelings. I am ready to stop pretending and to start expressing.

And I would love to hear your stories. What are you struggling with, did something I paint or write resonate with you? Feel free to share in the comments of my posts or shoot me a quick message



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